Recent statistics are showing us two things:
1.) More people than we think are open to hearing the gospel message.

2.) Most Christians don’t feel like they know how to share it.

That’s why we at K1 are adopting a relational evangelism approach called B.L.E.S.S. to reach and to disciple lost people.

We, at K1, will be a people who LIVE IT OUT with intentionality.


Before we do anything, we must begin with prayer - praying for the people in our lives who don’t know Jesus, praying for opportunities, praying for the Spirit to be at work in us and in them.


Learning to really listen to people;  not to respond, but to hear what they are really saying, to hear their story, their dreams and pain, and to listen for evidence of God in their lives.


Whether you are eating a meal together or just hanging out, the idea behind this practice is to intentionally spend time together connecting on a deeper level and building relationship with people who do not know God.


Compassionate service is the most effective on-ramp to evangelism. Look for ways you can serve others with your time, talent, and treasure.


Nobody can argue with your story. It is a powerful tool to help people see what God can do in their own lives by hearing about what He has done in yours. It’s as simple as this: Where has God shown up in your life?


Know Our Culture; Reach Our Culture - Sunday 9/22
  1. What do think of when you hear the word “evangelism” ?
  2. What are some of the thinking, values, and beliefs in our current culture that make it difficult to share about God?
  3. In what ways has the Church made it difficult for you to share about God?
  4. In what ways has the Church made it difficult for you to share about God?
  5. Do the statistics surprise you in showing that so many people are open to spiritual conversations? How does that change your desire or willingness to live out?
Begin With Prayer - Sunday 9/29
1.) Read 1 Timothy 2:1-4. What is God’s heart desire according  to this passage? What does God call us to do to participate in achieving God’s heart desire?  Are any of the ways Paul instructs us to pray difficult for you?

2.) Is praying for lost people to come to know God a part of your prayer rhythm? If not, why not? If so, how so? Share.

3.) Read Luke 18:1-8. Pastor Dave pointed out three prayer attitudes  represented in this story. What are those three attitudes, and which one do you need to develop more in your prayer life?

4.) What frustrations or despair have you experienced in attempting to pray for the lost people in your life?

5.) What gives you encouragement and faith to keep on praying when it seems like it is taking forever to get the answers we long for? What can you do to hold yourself accountable to this?

Listen - Sunday 10/6
1.) Is there anyone in your life who truly listens to you? How does that make you feel when they do? (What gift do you feel like they are giving to you by truly listening?)

2.) Why do we gravitate toward people who listen to us?

3.) Why can it be so hard to listen to someone? What prevents us from being willing?

4.) Read John 4:1-26.  What do you think it meant to the woman  at the well for Jesus to speak to her heart issue, not her behavior? How can listening help us discover the heart issue of lost people in our lives?

5.) Have you ever thought about loving your neighbor by truly listening to them? Why do you think that this is an act of love?

6.) Discuss the 5 Reflective Listening skills Pastor Jenna talked about. Which one do you think is most natural for you? Which one do you think will take the most work to develop?
Eat - Sunday 10/13
1.) Why do you think the practice of hospitality and of eating together has such a powerful impact on people?

2.) What is “Biblical hospitality”? How is that different than “cultural hospitality”? How should that difference impact our hospitality in reaching lost people?

3.) Read Luke 19:1-10. What do you think Jesus is communicating when he invites himself to eat at Zaccheas’ house? How do you think that made Zacchaeus feel?

4.) What experiences of hospitality have had an impact on you? Share.

5.) How can you cultivate opportunities to eat and connect with lost people? What could that look like in your life?

Serve - Sunday 10/20
1.) How has someone served you sacrificially or with kindness? What did that do for you?

2.) Read Luke 22:24-27. What does it look like to be a servant leader to our lost friends, co-workers, and neighbors?

3.) Read John 13:1-17. What do you think about Jesus washing the feet of his enemy, Judas? Who in your life right now would you consider your enemy? What would it look like to serve them?

4.) Is it hard for you to recieve service from others? Why? What might it mean to someone if you let them serve you?

Share - Sunday 10/29
1.) Read Revelation 12:11. Why is our story an essential piece to people coming to embrace Jesus?

2.) Share in 3 minutes how God has worked in your life. (It can be your story of conversion, transformation, or freedom.)

3.) How do you earn the right to share your story? (Think back to previous weeks)

4.) How did Austin’s story speak to you? Has anyone else’s God-story helped you at some point in your journey? Share.

5.) Who in your life would benefit from hearing your story? How could you look for an opportunity to share it?
Blessed to Be a Blessing - Sunday 11/3
1.) Which B.L.E.S.S. practice is most natural for you? Which will be the hardest for you to begin to implement into your life?

2.) How has this series challenged you? How has it helped you feel more equipped to lead people to Jesus?

3.) What is your game plan to implement these practices into your life? How can your group keep you accountable?