Being a disciple of Jesus requires an intentional life of pursuing God’s work in our lives. At K1, we are committed to partnering with you on that journey.
Until disciple making becomes THE ministry of the church, and not A ministry of the church, the church will never see our discipleship efforts impact the world the way that Jesus envisioned. Jesus commanded us to be disciples who make disciples. As Christ followers, we are called to live set apart, modeling the way of Jesus, as we live resurrected lives, ushering in God's kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven. But we are only able to accomplish this through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, who transforms us into God's holy image through the renewal of our minds, hearts, and spirits. This happens through the participation in spiritual practices - just like we see lived out in Jesus' own life.

The call of a Christ follower requires that we die to self, to submit to the work of the Spirit, and then be unleashed by God to expand God's kingdom here on earth. We at K1 are committed to challenging you, equipping you, and cheering you on as you live out your powerful testimony and help others do the same. Read below to see how we partner with you on this journey!

Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

We believe true life change happens in the context of real relationships, which are best developed in Small Groups.
Small Groups typically meet weekly or biweekly in places all around our community and provide a place to build relationships, study God's Word, develop spiritual practices together, and discuss the issues and challenges of life. Regardless of your age, interest, or location, we want to help you find a group for you. Small Groups are also where we pray, care for one another, and are missed if we don’t show up!


This Fall, K1 will begin a 7-week All-Church Journey called B.L.E.S.S. - a model that we will be adopting as our evangelism DNA at K1. The All-Church Journey brings together Kids, Teens, and Adults through our Sunday morning sermons, daily devotionals, and small groups.

Since the beginning of our story with God, God has demonstrated His deep love for us through His blessing. In turn, we are to become a blessing to others. (Genesis 12:2). B.L.E.S.S. is a new way of thinking about loving our neighbors. It consists of five missional practices that help us introduce people to Jesus. Every one of us can easily and naturally live out the five B.L.E.S.S. missional practices with unchurched people.


Prayer + Fasting

Prayer changes things. Prayer changes us. Prayer is an essential part of being a follower of Jesus.
Fasting is a way that we remove distractions of this world from our lives in order that we may focus on and hear from God clearly.
Pray First Book
Prayer App

Community + Accountability

God created us to do life together in the context of relationships. Spending time with other believers, developing trust and intimacy, and keeping one another accountable is critical to our process of growing in holiness and intimacy with the Lord.
Small Groups

Surrender + Repentance

We are all sinners in need of being saved and cleansed. Jesus Christ offers both of those to us, but it requires that we be willing to get real about the ways in which we have sinned against him. It is only through genuine repentance and full surrender that we will begin to experience the transforming power of the Spirit in our lives. 
Wesley Covenant Prayer
12 Signs of Repentance

Sabbath + Self Care

We were created with a core need to rest. God even modeled this for us in the very beginning as part of the very creation of the world - and then called His people to emulate it by practicing a weekly Sabbath.  Sabbath is meant for humankind - it is a gift. Though our culture tells us that our worth is found in all that we do - God calls us into rest, stillness, and solitude in His presence.

Bible Study

God's Word gives us everything we would ever need. It is our source of hope, wisdom, strength, and renewal. Studying God's Word is how we come to Know God as we learn about His character, His promises, His consistency, and His love. The Bible is alive and it breathes life into us when we read it, study it, and put it into practice in our lives.
Study Bible
The Bible Project

Bible Reflection + Meditation

In a fast paced world, we can lose the ability to be still. Our minds are formed to quickly move onto the next thing and to juggle and multi task. This can inhibit our ability to allow the truths of God's Word to sit with us, sink it, and take root. It can inhbit hus from allow the living Word of God to speak to us. Spending intentional time in meditation and reflection on God's Word is an essential spritual practice.
Abide App
Lectio Divina

Worship + Gratitude

Worship is the expression of God's lordship over our lives. We come to God to praise Him for who He is and we sit in reverence of all that He does for us. Sometimes we praise Him because we feel it, sometimes we praise Him until we do. Setting our minds on all that God has done and all that He is doing, through gratitude and thanksgiving, shifts any spirit of depression, fear, anxiety, doubt, or despair.
K1 Spotify Playlist

Serving + Investing

Jesus came to be all about the Father's business - to serve, not to be served. When we serve others, we get to participate in the family business. Investing our time, talents, and treasures into God's kingdom work strengthens our faith, humbles us, and activates the light of Christ into the dark world.
Dream Team
Give to K1


Baptism is a sacrament that we participate in when we have decided to follow Jesus! It is commanded of all new disicples as it represents our willing decision to die to self in order to be raised into new life - as a new creation in Christ! It is truly a celebration! If you are ready to be baptized, let us know and we will sign you up for our next baptism service. 
Our senior adult ministry meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for a meal, fellowship, and seasonal programming. FMI and to get on the mailing list, email Pastor Cindi, cindi@k1naz.org